Thursday, January 26, 2006

Week 3 - Intersection

This was an interesting one, for me it threw up the fact to turn courners you need an edge some boundaries that is keeping you on one path, and then there is the question on who imposes those boundaries you or your history or society.

Week three

There is journalling hidden behind the card fold saying edges, I love the subtelty of the colours in this and I like the way it escapes the boundaries of the book itself.
Oh the reason I am keeping two journals is that with the big one I like the space to explore but it is not always possible to travel with the big book so the small one can travel with me and my new lunch tin :)

Week 2 - Never Change

This I found quite hard as I am not sure that there is to much I would never change and my first attempt in my small journal was all about Making as that is a constant in my life, I always need to be creating.

Week 2 little

I was happy with the colour balance for this but yet again felt let down by my own hand writting. After a few more days and looking at others interpretation I decided to give it another go in my big Journal and this was the result.

Week 2 Big

I started it out with a mind map on changes, thinks I would, things that never would, things I wish I could and things that others would. I liked the pattern this made after I had painted between the spaces and liked the idea that this made a kind of pattern for change as several things that I had never linked before I put them on paper gave me a few light bulb moments. As you can see the page is not quite complete as my thumb gave out before I finished the sewing and in fact I liked the back of the page far better than the front in the end.

week 2 back

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Week one page, not happy with the handwriting but happy with the rest of the images

Paper adventures

I set this extra blog up so I could post pictures of my Art Journal that I am doing with Shimmile's class as I seem to be having a few technical problems on the official site, more to do with my incompitence than anything else.